Sunday, 25 February 2007

A Bigger Perspective

We all have things that keep our finger in the ring because all we can see are the short term rewards. We seldom see how the destruction of species, global warming, war, exploitation of third world sweatshop workers is tied to our participation in the system. Even supporting charities and environmental organizations is supporting the system. "But it's not all terrible!"-you say. "I can do good things while participating"-you rationalize. But the truth is that if you didn't participate in the system you would either starve or face the humiliation of handouts. And then you wouldn't get all the rewards you are getting now. Your life would be bleak. The eye of Sauron is everywhere, even in your soul, and you are afraid of losing the power it gives you, even as it eats you up. Even as your good deeds keep the system going on its path of global and personal destruction.

To do good deeds, to make the world a better place, we must act from love, not from fear. We need to take off the ring and toss it in the magma. We need to be able to live, and live well without the power that the ring gives us. We need to find our own inner collective power, and align ourselves with the power of nature, science, and sustainable technology. Only then will we be free. Some say that the only shackles are in our minds and if we choose to act from love we will be free. I say they are deluding themselves. Without severing the economic finger which the ring encircles, we will not really take it off. Can we take it off before Smeagle (Collapse) bites it off us? The primitivists are the only ones besides us I see today who are making a serious attempt to get free. They and many others are resigned to massive die-off like the Steward of Minas Tirith (Denethor). Even though at times that seems like a good idea (stupid humans deserve to die), we really find it unacceptable and think a brighter future lies ahead, but we must act together.

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Wednesday, 14 February 2007